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The tyrant hunting

Recently, We all have heard in the media, that a German Judge wants to impute Jorge Rafael Videla (an argentinian dictator) for the murdered of on German citizen. This remind me when one spanish judge, Baltasar Garzon, claim to Great Britain for Pinochet, taking the advantage of the tyrant was in this country.

In the moment this was happenning some doubts emerge to myself:

  1. I really didn´t know if Spain was legimitized to do justice in this kind of crime abroad. When in Spain no justice was done at the end of dictatorship.

  2. We are preventing the country, which hwas suffering the tyrant to do justice, a justice that stems from its judiciary.
I know this reasons, have also the opposites arguments, the first one is that the tiranny is tiranny, and it has to be combated form everywhere around the world. And the other one, is if the own country doesn´t want to make justice is an obligation of the Wolrd, as human beings to compesante the victims in some way for the damages the had suffered.

Because folks, it cannot be said, that that tyrants and the collaborators, are not going to be tried, becasue this will lead in peaceful transition. Excuse, for me this is rubbish, is like say the person who had suffered the dictatorship, or the family that had a mother or brother killed, that we really understand their suffering, but they have to suffer in silence, without raise to much the voice.

Certainly, I think that any tyrant deserves to be pointed with the finger, and be told that he is an assassin. And he also deserve to spend the whole live in jail, they hasn´t got the right of the compassion, becausae they didn´t show it to their victims, and I am no talking of the eye for an eye (in this case sure they will be excuted), I am talking that the have to spend the rest of their live behind the bars.

If not we really have to think what kind of lesson are we teaching to the future generations, that we lived in a time that it doesn´t matter how much pain you did. I really think, it should be the opposite, all the acts have their consequence

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